TITLE: Weekend Break (1/1) AUTHOR: Angharad E-MAIL ADDRESS: rainydays@softhome.net DISTRIBUTION: No Archive. Story will be on my website at http://uk.geocities.com/little_corner_2000/ CATEGORY: Vignette, Mulder and Scully POV KEYWORDS: MS friendship/UST RATING: G SPOILERS: None DISCLAIMER: I don't own the characters from the X Files; they are the property of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. SUMMARY: Not on a case for a change, Mulder decides to surprise Scully at her apartment one Saturday evening. AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks to Kate for editing my story! Love ya! I wonder if people have realised that the same person has edited several of my stories yet? *g* After spending several minutes pacing the living room floor out of boredom, having surfed all the available channels finding the basketball game cancelled, I decide to surprise Scully by turning up at her apartment. On a Saturday. With no case file notes as an excuse for being there. I smile to myself at the irony of it. I glance down at what I'm wearing; a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. That'll do, I think, before heading out of the apartment to run some errands. I'm surprised when I hear a knock at the door so I put the rag and polish down on the bookcase. It can only be Mulder, I think, but what is he doing here on a Saturday night? When we haven't got an out of town case for a change? I would have thought he would be watching the basketball game. He's probably bored, I think with a smile as I head to the door. I open it to reveal a grinning Mulder holding some rentals in one hand, a large box of pizza and a bottle of wine in the other. I take a moment to take it all in before asking him, "What are you doing here?" "Surprise," he answers. I let him in with an amused expression on my face. Mulder places all the objects he was carrying on the coffee table and sits down on the sofa. "Did I disturb you?" he asks. "No. I was just doing some cleaning," I admit. I watch Scully as she seems to contemplate what she's doing next before she grabs a couple of wine glasses from the kitchen and sits next to me on the sofa. She takes the wine bottle and looks surprised. "My favourite wine." "What? You don't think I know what your favourite wine is after all these years?" I ask her teasingly. "Well if you can't remember my birthday..." she trails off with a smile on her face before pouring us both a fair amount of wine into the crystal glasses. We chink the glasses in cheers and she drinks a large mouthful. I watch her with a surprised expression on my face. "Careful there Scully, we don't want you getting drunk." "I haven't had a drink all day. Besides, I can drink a whole bottle of wine without getting drunk." "Must be the Irish blood in you," I grin. I smile back at that and lean forward to open up the box of pizza. "What have we got here?" I look at him, surprised, when the pizza is revealed and the mouth watering aroma wafts by under my nose. "My favourite pizza as well?" I arch my eyebrow with humour. "What are you hiding from me?" I ask, suspicious, but with a touch of humour in my voice. "I can't surprise my best friend?" he asks innocently. I don't reply but turn my attention back to the pizza with the melting cheese. I'm hungrier than I thought. I watch Scully tear into the pizza, though I won't tell her that I was thinking that, I think with a grin. I continue to watch her for a few seconds before reaching for a slice of pizza. She's wearing a pair of faded jeans and a white baggy t-shirt. She looks younger in those clothes, her freckles obvious without her make-up on. A completely different person to the Agent Dana Scully I've come to know so well. I tear my gaze away to take a bite of the pizza I still hold in my hands. We sit in a comfortable silence until there is no sign of the pizza having been present in the pizza box. It is only then that I turn my attention to the rentals Mulder brought with him. "Return of the Zombies Mulder?" I question with an arched eyebrow. He has a smile on his face and waits for me to look through the other two videos, leaning against the sofa with his arms folded behind his head. I look at the others to find one that I haven't seen but have always wanted to. I don't have time to go to the cinema these days, I think wryly. "You sure you want to watch this with me Mulder?" I ask him. He just grins, his hazel eyes shifting colour, humour reflected in them. I put the video on and settle back against the sofa, finding that Mulder has stretched his arm out along its length. I settle in the crook of his shoulder, leaning my head against his outstretched arm and he gently rests his warm arm on my shoulder. I feel content but not worried because we are just enjoying this time together as best friends, my partner of four years. I smile at her head resting on my arm; I couldn't have planned this evening better. When the film has finished, the room has become darker with the lights of the city outside creating a mixture of light and shadows in the living room through the windows. The sky suddenly becomes lighter, changing to a light brown from dull black. I get up quickly to the window in excitement, having realised that it's snowing. Mulder joins me, standing quietly by my side. Together we watch the white flakes of snow, on its slow journey from the thick clouds to the ground below. The End