Title: A New Truth
Rating: PG-13
Author: Lynn G. (aka XFile Diva)
E-mail: Gillian67@webtv.net
Archive: Keep this header attached and you can archive it. Please tell me too, so I can visit and brag to everyone. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in this story. They're not mine so don't sue me. I'm only borrowing them. Be nice and share. 
Summary: Scully is having some trouble with 'The Truth' that she's finally found out.
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 Hope is gone. 
 It's gone with everthing I love. I've lost it. My faith has been killed by little green men. I 
always knew that there would be a point in my life when I could never go on. Not like the way I
 live. Nope, this is not a 'normal life' at all. And gone with my hope, my dream of a normal 

 I lay now on my back on the couch. My hand clutches to the cheap bottle of liquor, nearly 
empty now. I've grown comfortable with my position. My feet can't quite reach the edge of my 
sofa. I laugh at myself. Mulder's feet would be dangling over the edge easily. 
My mind drifts to Mulder as I mention his name in my thoughts, reminding me of his existance.
 Yeah, Mulder was right. The truth was out there, but who knew it'd be such a bitch. 

 My eyes are now closing on me. I did not notice at first.  I don't mind though. Maybe I'll 
be able to sleep for the first time since I found out 'The Truth' about exterrestials. I 
always thought that I'd be better off knowing, but it does me no good. I thought that Mulder 
would always be there to protect me. No matter the risk. I was wrong. 

 So the bottle has been placed on the floor. I curl up into a little ball and shut out the
 world. There are no tears to be shead, so I do not cry. No more anger is left in me, so I do
 not shout. I'm just exhausted from playing games. So I sleep. I can't hear the phone as it 
begins to ring. I slowly go into a deep sleep. 

 When I wake up again, I'm in my bed. I feel my heart warm up with the homey feeling I 
instantly have. Then, I realize I fell asleep on the sofa and not the bed. Panic enters 
my mind as I begin to wonder the possiblities of how I got here. As if to assure my theory 
that someone put me here, I hear a clang come from the next room. I watch in horror as the
 doorknob of my bedroom turn. I let out the breath I'd been holding to see Mulder walk through 
the door. 

 "Hey Scully." he greets me with a smile the melts my heart. 

 He takes a seat next to me in my bed. I cannot return his smile. I try, but fail miserably. 
I think he sees the sadness in my eyes, because I'm in his arms. He strokes my hair and murmurs
 sweet nothings. I love him for it.

 "Mulder, everything I believed in, it's all wrong. Hope is gone." I confess.

 He places a kiss on my forehead and then stares deep into my eyes. 

 "Scully, hope is here." he says placing a hand over my heart. "Please don't give up. I can't 
stand to see you like this."
 "I clung to science and trusted it so much, only to find out the truth defies my science. I
 have nothing to cling to now. I don't know what to believe anymore."

 "That's not true. You can cling to me, believe me. I know how hard this can be. I once lost
 my faith, but never in you."

 She tucked her head in the crook of his neck as tears streamed down her face. And she truly 
realized hope wasn't gone. It was just hiding, and she found it with Mulder's help. For the
 first time in days, she smiled and Mulder just held her close to him. And the truth didn't
 matter anymore, they could start a new truth together.